Out of the Box International is a European Network present in 24 European countries bringing together different organisations advocating for more innovation and solidarity in policies at the European and city levels focusing on young people as a target group. OTB’s main mission is to provide expertise, ICT tools and a network for the dissemination of research, training and innovative practices. Out of the Box International currently has its focus on 4 policy areas: (1) alternative democracies; (2) fresh ideas for social cohesion & solidarity policies; (3) economy with a social mission; (4) sustainability incubator. Its Member Organisations are Expert Non-Governmental Organisations, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Municipalities and Universities ensuring a variety of expertise and experience in building different kinds of innovative social projects. They are experts in different EU policy areas such as cohesive policies, social entrepreneurship, open digital environment or enlargement.

Municipality of Faro is the entity responsible for local management of the municipality of Faro. It is composed of a Municipal Council that controls the public policies and where several parties have been elected. It is composed also of an elected executive council, which is responsible for the definition of the politicians and their management. The municipality has cultural expertise: it manages two museums and a library and organises and supports numerous cultural initiatives and programs throughout the year. The Municipality of Faro has a wide experience in projects with education and young people. In addition to managing different groups of schools, we have a department dedicated to youth that annually develops different projects with youth. Additionally, the Municipality of Faro was a pioneer in launching an education program based on Minecraft. It’s called MI.MOMO Faro and involves more than 1000 students in the study of the city’s Modernist architecture.

Municipality of Riga – Education, Culture and Sports Department of Riga City Council (further – RD IKSD) is a Riga municipal institution that handles matters related to preschool, general and professional (Arts, Music and Sports) oriented education, culture, youth, sports, as well as integration in society. RD IKSD is accountable for more than 300 municipal entities: 147 kindergartens; 108 schools; 8 hobby centres; 9 art and music schools and 10 sports schools. Also 3 culture centres; Riga Municipality’s culture institution’s 9 branches; Riga Central Library’s 24 branches, and the professional orchestra “Riga”. RD IKSD is in charge of youth policy implementation in the city. It organises leisure activities for children and youth (camps, leisure centres, events and sports activities), as well as provides non-formal education opportunities, supports youth organisations and fosters youth employment. RD IKSD is also in charge of setting and running support structures aiming at involving young people in the decision-making process on the municipal level and at the educational institutions.

Municipality of Sandanski is a public body and local authority and is one of the 265 municipalities in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and one of the 14 municipalities in the district with the administrative centre Blagoevgrad. It is located in southwestern Bulgaria and covers an area of 998.416 km2. According to legislation, the municipalities are the main administrative and territorial units, which perform a number of functions, one of which is the administrative servicing of citizens. As a result, the citizens of Sandanski have access to administrative services, which can be grouped into several main areas: – civil registration and drafting services; – municipal property services; – spatial planning services; – trade and tourism services; – transport services; – local tax and fee services; – social work services. As well, the local authority is providing part of the main communal services like waste management, drinking water, sewage and wastewater treatments. The Municipality of Sandanski has 116 full-time paid staff and 30 persons of supplementary staff. Operates from its own buildings situated in all 54 settlements (2 towns and 52 villages).

YEPP EUROPE former Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme 2001-2011 and YEPP International Resource Centre 2011-2015 has been established through INA’s Institute for Youth and Community Empowerment (IYCE) during which the YEPP Concept of Change was developed to enrich young people and communities with entrepreneurial tools e.g. entrepreneurial education toolkit, digital literacy & habit change. To this day YEPP EUROPE continues developing innovative participatory programmes and tools for youth work with a focus on youth and community empowerment in marginalised areas of Europe (industrial urban districts or rural areas).

CESIE is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation based in Palermo (Italy) and established in 2001. CESIE is committed to promoting cultural, social, educational and economic development at local, national, European and international levels with a focus on youth engagement and empowerment. CESIE contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, always valuing diversity. The organisational structure is divided into 6 thematic units working in synergy and managing activities in their specific fields: Adult education (Lifelong learning opportunities); School Education (Innovation and support of diversity in school education); Migration; Youth; Higher Education and Research; Rights and Justice. The units are supported by 3 geographical departments (Local, European and International) and 4 transversal offices: Visibility and Communication, Networking, HR, and Finance. Moreover, CESIE benefits from a broad network of partners with 3000+ civil society organisations, youth centres, social actors, schools, universities, research centres, public authorities, enterprises and entrepreneurs around the world. CESIE staff is composed of 70 people with a wide range of qualifications, skills and professional profiles, united by a deep sharing of ideals that lead our activities. The team has an international character, being composed not only of Italians but also of people from the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Serbia, Greece, Lithuania, Nepal, Ukraine, etc. CESIE is therefore considered to be a very concrete and positive example of European values. At the same time, CESIE relies on 150+ external experts that collaborate for specific activities and projects. Equally important is the contribution from dozens of interns and European and international volunteers engaged in internships at the organization per year.

Union of the Baltic Cities is the leading network of cities in the Baltic Sea Region with Member Cities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden. Additionally, due to recent international events there are partners from Ukraine who joined the network. Founded in 1991 in Gdańsk, UBC is a voluntary, proactive network mobilising the shared potential of its member cities. UBC works through eight Commissions: Cultural Cities, Inclusive and Healthy Cities, Planning Cities, Safe Cities, Smart and Prospering Cities, Sustainable Cities, Youthful Cities, Learning Cities. The organization supports Member Cities to develop and exchange promising practices of youth participation in the Baltic Sea Region.

LINK DMT SRL is a limited liability company that has been established in October 2020 by an immigrant shareholder/founder, after 19 years of experience in associations and foundations on local, national, European and international level; freelancing and working in the private sector as an educator, volunteer manager, human resources consultant and NFE and e-learning architect. LINK DMT SRL specialises in formal and non-formal education programmes for young people and respective methods/methodology development; e-learning development; organisational and project management related to digital and social enterprises; as well as awareness campaigns and content marketing. Our relevant experience and expertise include: Consultancy, guidance and operational assistance to both private companies, education institutions and the public sector in the fields of corporate policy, strategy, planning, organisation, quality assurance and assessment, efficiency and control, development and restructuring; Development of educational programmes, both for NGOs/private companies, adult education institutions, formal education sector and for the public administration; Human resource management consultancy, including staff training and supervision with strategic and nonstrategic business consultancy; Management, creation and organisation of online courses, websites and internet and mobile services; Marketing management consultancy, including the study, design and implementation of communication, marketing and multimedia advertising campaigns.